A Limited Collection of Piano Rebuilding Photos
A few of the many procedures in a complete rebuild
1913 5' 4" Knabe Grand Piano
Courtesy of Gene Nelson RPT (all rights reserved) |
Piano case being prepared for new soundboard |
New tuning pinbloack being drilled |
Fitting the new soundboard panel to the case |
Another image of fitting the new soundboard panel to the case |
Installing bridge pins |
Another image of installing bridge pins |
The completed new soundboard and bridges |
Glueing in the new soundboard |
Soundboard and plate (harp) are now installed and the piano is ready
for stringing |
Installing new strings on the piano has been completed |
New damper underlever assembly (aft) and action stack with new action
parts and hammers. |
Another view of the new damper underlever assembly (backaction) with
the action stack in the background |
Final view of of the new damper underlever assembly (backaction) after
installation of the return springs (note old underlever part at lower right) |
Installing the new damper underlevers assembly (backaction) in the piano |
Installing new backchecks |
Installing new key buttons |
Action stack with new actions parts and hammers on the keyframe without
the keys |
Side view of complete rebuilt piano action |
Front view of complete rebuilt action evaluating touch weight, key weight,
or down weight |
Side view of new hammers and hammer shanks |
Dampers with new damper felt are being installed |
Installing new casters |