Carr's Piano Service
T. Michael Carraher - Registered Piano Technician
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Mike Carraher RPTMike is a Registered Piano Technician (RPT) member of the Piano Technicians Guild.

Since 1979 Mike has worked full time in piano service and rebuilding. He has been a Certified Examiner for the PTG since 1981 and has served on numerous committees at the local and national level. Mike has received several PTG awards including Member of Note and Examiner of the Year. Mike developed the first repair jigs for the PTG Technical Exam, created Associate Days, which was the first pilot program in the North East for mentoring those aspiring to RPT certification, and continues to provide training and mentorship as a regional and National PTG instructor. He has also served as Chapter President in two different PTG chapters.  Mike’s innovations in shop procedures and equipment can be seen in many fixtures carried through Renner USA and his overall experience provides a firm basis for excellent service.


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